Viresh Patel Queen Mary A domination algorithm for {0,1}-instances of the travelling salesman problem The development of approximation algorithms for NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems is a very active field of study. One usually measures the performance of an approximation algorithm with the approximation ratio. In this talk, I will begin by introducing a less well-known measure called the domination ratio. I will discuss an approximation algorithm for {0,1}-instances of the travelling salesman problem which performs well with respect to domination ratio. More precisely, given a {0,1}-edge-weighting of the complete graph K_n on n vertices, our algorithm outputs a Hamilton cycle H of K_n with the following property: the proportion of Hamilton cycles of K_n whose weight is smaller than that of H is at most n^{-1/29} = o(1). We use a combination of probabilistic and algorithmic techniques together with some results from extremal graph theory. Previously, the best result in this direction was a polynomial-time algorithm for general TSP that outputs a Hamilton cycle H such that at most 1/2 of all Hamilton cycles of K_n have weight smaller than H. On the hardness side we can show that, if the Exponential Time Hypothesis holds, there exists a constant C such that n^{-1/29} cannot be replaced by \exp(-(\log n)^C) in our result above. (Joint work with Daniela Kuehn and Deryk Osthus.)