Magnus Wahlström Royal Holloway Half-integrality, LP-branching and FPT Algorithms By a classical result in combinatorial optimization, Vertex Cover has a half-integral LP-relaxation (i.e., the natural LP-relaxation of the Vertex Cover problem always has an optimal solution where all variables take values 0, 1 or 1/2, implying a 2-approximation); a similar statement holds for Node Multiway Cut. Recently, it has been realised that beyond approximation, these results also have powerful applications for FPT algorithms, e.g., we can check in 2^O(k) poly(n) time whether there is a solution that is at most k units more costly than the LP-optimum. This has been used to improve the FPT running time for several problems (e.g., Almost 2-SAT and Multiway Cut). Still, the set of problems with known half-integral LP-relaxations was somewhat restricted. In a recent paper (SODA 2014), we showed how to interpret the existence of such a relaxation in the language of CSPs. Using this connection, we showed how many of the known half-integral relaxations can be explained as optimisation over a function class known as k-submodular functions, and we used this function class to produce new half-integral LP-relaxations and strongly improved FPT running times for a range of problems. In the present talk we give a brief overview of this connection, and a sketch of its applications in FPT. (Interestingly, the resulting polytopes, despite being half-integral, do not imply any approximation results.)