Juraj Stacho Warwick Induced matchings and independence complexes of chordal graphs We study the complexity of the following problem: given a graph, find an induced matching containing a maximal independent set. This problem has applications in the study of topological properties of independence complexes of graphs, which are simplicial complexes whose faces are the independent sets of a graph. Such a matching, if found, certifies that the topology of the independence complex is non-trivial. More topological information can be derived further if the matching also is of certain size (or minimal/maximal possible). Notably, for chordal graphs, such matchings encode complete information of the topology of the independence complex, which is not the case in general. We prove that the problem of finding such a matching is NP-complete for general graphs, but in chordal graphs, it has a polynomial-time algorithm. Our algorithm is based on the geometric intersection representation of chordal graphs and has an efficient implementation. We further show that the exact-cardinality version of the problem remains NP-complete even on chordal graphs, but admits a polynomial time algorithm for bounded-leafage chordal graphs. Our hardness results are derived from the hardness of dominating set problems. Previous best result in this area by Kawamura addresses the case of forests with a particularly complicated algorithm. Our approach implies a simple linear-time algorithm for forests improving significantly on this result. As a corollary, we obtain polynomial time algorithms for such topological properties as contractibility or simple-connectedness of independence complexes of chordal graphs. These problems are undecidable for general independence complexes. Joint work with Michal Adamaszek (Warwick University)