Jian Song Durham Coloring H-Free Graphs If a graph $G$ does not contain a graph $H$ as an induced subgraph, then $G$ is called $H$-free. For any fixed graph $H$ on at most 6 vertices, it is known that $3$-{\sc Coloring} is polynomial-time solvable on $H$-free graphs whenever $H$ is a linear forest and \NP-complete otherwise. By solving the missing case $P_2+P_3$, we prove the same result for $4$-{\sc Coloring} provided that $H$ is a fixed graph on at most 5 vertices. For any fixed girth $g\geq 4$ we determine a lower bound $\ell(g)$, such that every graph with girth at least $g$ and with no induced path on $\ell(g)$ vertices is 3-colorable. In contrast, we show the existence of an integer $\ell$ such that testing for 4-colorability is \NP-complete for graphs with girth $4$ and with no induced path on $\ell$ vertices.